Joshua Davison | Critical Computation Portfolio

Wireframe Camera Game

Consentful Interface Project

Goals of this Project

I designed he original camera to hide the users face. I decided to do this as a way to protect the users privacy. For this project I felt I need a present a clear description about clmtracker and why the webcam needs to be enabled. I wanted to present the user with a way to read about this plug iin and the ultimatlely decided whethaer or not they wanted to give permision to enable the webcam.

Design Process

I built disclaimers into this program to inform the user of how I plan to use there camera and give them resources to learn more about clmtracker. I decided to use large white text to immediately draw the users attention to the text. The user must read the text and then decide if they will grant permission to use the webcam. The can also click a button for more information which will give them a url to read about clmtracker.


In my original design I focused heavyily on user privacy and I feel I did a great job with it. This project allowed me to return to it and improve upon it further. I took great stepped to protect the user, but I didnt go far enough with informing the users. Providing the user with information about how their data is users should be the standard for all programs. I am happy that my program now complies with this belief.