Joshua Davison | Critical Computation Portfolio
My Clock


Plan for my sketch

Design Process

First, I started by brainstorming about different types of clock. I wrote down 3 different ideas. The first revolved have time measured by subway stops. I believed people living in cities often use this as a type of clock when traveling. The second idea I had was to make a clock that measure the days based on your personal schedule. The day would literally start when you wake up and count from there. The last idead that I settled on was a clock that slows down as long as you are active. Staying active could net you a extra hour during the day. This would serve as the basis of my sketch in p5js. I created the sketch using Rect and Ellipse. I designed two clocks, one that would use standard hours, minutes, and second. The second clock would use 96% of those standard calculations. As long as the user hold the mouse button, time would slow down. People will want to hold the mouse button all day in order to get that extra hour. That is likely not possible however. Just like the idea of working hard and stay active in order to get more time is not possible. Third, I implemented mouseX and mouseY for the scale and transform of each point to resize dynamicly. Forth, I used a if statement to check an array of random numbers to decide the shape of the object. Clicking on the mouse would cycle through the random number.

My Unused Sketch "Train Stop"

My Unused Sketch "Personal Time"


I spent majority of my time with this project trying to calculate how to slow down the clock enough to equal 1 extra hour in the day. It turn out that time is acyually very complex and I overestimated my ability to calculate time accurately. Eventually I settled on a formula that was close enough.